I haven't written anything about us in a long time. Mainly, because I knew we were in a downward spiral for a very long time. We were just going through the motions. Now it's completely dissolved. Even I don't think we will recover, nor do I want to. You are so mean, so cold, so unbearable. It doesn't matter what I think I give, it's never enough. Now, you tell me how much better you are than I am. How much better your friends are than mine. What a joke. LOL Head Muncher, yeah, your best friend well known in the community as the biggest slut, but you think because she has a PhD she is better than my friends who just work or don't have degrees. HA! How pathetic. Now you demand that I take a cruise with you, and breakup with me because I don't want to spend my money on a cruise. It's too bad. You have entitlement issues and you think I'm just going to negate my responsibilities to make you happy, no it's not going to happen that way. So go, I