Boiled Over

I haven't written anything about us in a long time. Mainly, because I knew we were in a downward spiral for a very long time. We were just going through the motions. Now it's completely dissolved. Even I don't think we will recover, nor do I want to. You are so mean, so cold, so unbearable. It doesn't matter what I think I give, it's never enough. Now, you tell me how much better you are than I am. How much better your friends are than mine. What a joke. LOL Head Muncher, yeah, your best friend well known in the community as the biggest slut, but you think because she has a  PhD she is better than my friends who just work or don't have degrees. HA! How pathetic. Now you demand that I take a cruise with you, and breakup with me because I don't want to spend my money on a cruise. It's too bad. You have entitlement issues and you think I'm just going to negate my responsibilities to make you happy, no it's not going to happen that way. So go, I'm tired of holding on to a relationship that does nothing but bring me pain and heartache. You even had the nerve to complain that I sleep too much!!!! I get up for work everyday at 5 am, and I'm suppose to stay up late to talk to you on the phone? Where is the consideration? I should have known this shit was doomed when you said "Don't call me when your sleepy, it's rude when you fall asleep on the phone". Damn, excuse me for trying to fight my sleep and say good nite to my girlfriend! Fuckin, wow, really? I sure know how to pick'em. I just kept fighting for the relationship, thinking we could work things out, but I guess I was in denial. You never liked the holidays, you never wanted to go out, we just sat staring at each other. The little things I did suggest, you never wanted to do any of them. Now you tell me to go find someone who likes those things, no problem. I will not call you. I do not need you. You are a nightmare to deal with. The good times are gone, and all we had was misery. Sure I wasn't perfect but I never made you feel bad about your money situation, you took no reservations in letting me know how I should be spending my money..on you. What a fucked up situation I found myself in! Trying to love someone who thought you slept too much (so they talked to other people who were available) just the thought makes me want to call you and tell you a few things..but I won't. The anger will fade into, bitterness, and the bitterness will fade into loneliness..but I will rebuild. What a heartless chick you were. Yet and still I kept giving, helping you with your business, your family, all the while I wasn't getting much in return. I blame myself. I was holding on to someone who didn't appreciate me, who didn't care about my needs and who just demanded things from me. I guess I've lived and I guess I've learned. I'm really hurt.


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