Truth, reality, and pain

Well, I've been bullshitting. I knew we had problems but allowed my emotions to get in the way of making the right decision. We have broken up so many times that I can't count them anymore. The last time though, you got mad at me for trying to move on, you called and stole all my energy to move on. I was weakened because I still have feelings for you. Now this time, I take full responsiblity for my own hurt feelings. At this point in our "relationship" I know who you are. I know how you can and often will hurt me with your words and mean spritied ways. You yelled at me for not having money to help you get your car fix, you complained about me asking you to come and visit me now that your car is fixed. You brought up old things I said from 2 years ago. It's clear we can never be together. I'm simply the wrong person for you. We can lie to each other, we can go on vacations, we can txt and call through out the day, but the fact will remain: I'm no good for you and you are no good for me, and that hurts. For the past 2.6 years I have given my heart, time, and energy into our relationship. I feel bitter about somethings, like how I took time off work to spend with you for the past 2 weeks, but you when you have time off--you won't even come and visit me. The only time I see you is when I come to your city. And that is so hard on me because I drive to work (120 miles each day) then on the weekend I have to drive back to see you?? That is very unfair, but I have done that for the past year, and now you don't think you should come visit me, that doesn't work for me. It also bothers me how, I offer to help you with anything you need: cleaning, errands, anything. But when I asked you to help me get my house ready for inspection, you told me no.You never took the time to be there for me. You were good about paying for things, but paying for things, doesn't make up for a lack of support. I have frequently felt alone in the relationship. I just kept holding on because I thought eventually you would be more open to helping me when I asked for it. I also stayed because I love you.

This last time though, you broke me. You fussed and cussed about coming to see me. You hung up the phone on me. I didn't call back. You didn't call me back. We haven't spoken. I'm so angry about the previous 2 weeks, all the bullshit you told me. As long as, I'm doing exactly what you want me to do, come to your city to see you, you are ok. Let me ask for you to come over, you blow up and make sure you let me know how bad things are (past and present), funny everything was okay as long as I was driving to see you. You are impossible. What a slap in the face. I'm really hurt, but not surprised. This is our story. You treat me bad. I stay. I make excuses for how bad things are. I stay. I hurt. I cry. I am alone. Not anymore, I'm letting go. No matter how hard this is, I'm letting you go. You have hurt me in ways I cannot express. You have let me down in ways I cannot hide. You have broken my self-esteem in ways it will take years to mend. I wish you the best, I wish you well--Just leave me alone.


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