New Year, New?

I haven't posted much lately...I've been distracted by so many things. I'm still with the same girl--we have had so many up and downs. I'm afraid to even say what is going on right now bc things change so much. So I will say, we love each other.

The new job is going well--the commute is LONG!!! Other than that; I'm good. I'm turning 36 yrs old next month. I feel good. I'm finally accepting myself for who I am. I've always lived by what people think of me--never really allowing myself to be true to myself. So this has been a long time coming. I'm going to write a piece about that next. I can say the older I get the more I realize dreams don't magically happen; it takes very hard work and planning. I still have so much I want to do; so much I want to see happen. I'm aging and thinking, I have to hurry up. I look at my mom, a wonderful woman, who has always loved and supported me, turning 62 yrs this year. She is going for her PHD; what an inspiration! I just want to do it sooner, while I'm young. I just don't wan to look back and have a heart full regrets. I also hope I don't regret the things I can't see right now; like the little nagging things I deal with. Life is so unpredictable. So I'm doing and giving the best that I have--now. So As this year begins; Im pouring my energy into accomplishing all that I can.


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