
No sooner then me declaring she is my soulmate, did proverbal hell break loose. First the conversation about the holidays came up, we couldn't have two completely different approaches to them! She prefers to not celebrate them at all, and of course I'm wild about both Thanksgiving and Christmas. So our pre-holiday discussion didn't go over very well. It will take some adjusting on both our parts, but it was more than the sour discussion that has my eyes rolling, and my tongue sucking my teeth. It was her attitude, she was somewhat distant, cold, and unfair in our discussions. I'm hoping it was her fustration..overall though...I'm starting to get pissed off. I'm trying to take all things into account. This is a new relationship, we are still in the getting to know each other phase, and I know that she is worth some of the headaches we go through in our discussions. At the very least, I'm glad we can discuss things.

I just hope I don't "check out". I'm prone to doing that and I know that is why so many of my relationships have failed in the past. My checking out usually  means..I don't see myself putting the time and energy in anymore to make it work. I don't feel that attitude within myself, but if all this bs keeps up about not being able to agree it will. I know that I love this girl very much. I'm willing to keep trying..and this point I just feel like..WOW.


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