
She came stood next to me

Whispered into my consciousness

Don’t be afraid

She held me thru the morning broke through my pain

She listened to my nonsense about me

She stroked my hair

And asked me to finger her

So I took her down

And drenched her in my wetness

My bareness

My shame

My inner most

Between my thighs

She drank

Up all I had to give

I was quickly approaching the moment

When nothing else would satisfy the open secret of lovers

Leaving me quiet and yearning for her lips and hips

Against all my perceptions of what I can be

She ate all of my opinions

She stroked her tongue against my weakeness

And left me screaming


And calling out to her at midnight

Baby I will never leave your spirit

I will never stop needing you

As I closed my eyes and sunk into her sweetness

I realized

I would never makelove like this again

It was the night

I madelove to Poetry

Copyright 2010


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