
It's been a great year--and it's not over yet. I finished my degree, got a new job, bought a new car and overall things are very good. My family is doing well and me and my girlfriend are doing MUCH better. Eveything just takes work--patience and lots of understanding.

I like the new group of people I work with; I'm still figuring things out but overall, its been a positive transition. I haven't written any poetry in a long time. I go through spells of writers block..I'm trying to found my voice..the creativity is usually always there; it's the motivation to put on paper or virtual paper that comes and goes. Guess I haven't felt inspired..I've had bits and pieces of things come to mind..but nothing grips me enough to write it down..I once read that the best remedy for writers block--was well to keep writing..even it's really bad. So maybe after this post I will something--even it's not my best.

The holiday season is just around the corner and I'm excited about spending time with my family and enjoying the festivities and all. I'm not going to focus on the fact that my partner doesn't enjoy the holidays--at all. So I guess I've accepted our difference on that and have moved on. It would be really nice to spend the holidays together--sigh. I don't know..Guess I will just have to see how it all plays out.


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