cuddle time

My partner and I had a wonderful weekend. We spent most of it cuddled up. I'm so in love with this woman; and anytime we get to spend together feels wonderful. The one thing I consider the most, at this stage in my life, almost mid-thirties..I'm much more in tune with my feelings and emotions. I'm just so much more aware of things, quite frankly, I just didn't care about before in my younger days. I guess there is a coming of knowledge thing going on as I age. In some areas it is very good, I'm able to communicate my needs and be assertive. In same areas its not so good..I'm aware of the things that aren't quite the way I want them to be, like the way she doesn't open up about how she feels all the time. However, that is where patience and understanding plays a major role. So although I am aware of some of the idiosyncrasies, I'm in no rush to go looking for another relationship, I want to work at sustaining this relationship, as long as I'm ...