~Country Juke-Joint~

After the magic disappeared You told me how I hold your Life back I was choked by your words Because it’s crazy as Gnarls Barkley That you think I’m that person Never, ever Have I been or will ever become who You make me out to be You tried to drown Me in your insults, accusations, And mudslinging I was almost stupid enough To make excuses for you To treat me like a bad child You deserve more Shit, I deserve more You told me how tired Jill Scott and the Fuzz Band was Ok I love them both! Now I’m just tired of you You think you are so much fucking better than me But the truth is you too short to ride a high horse Mean as a snake I don’t know why I stayed this long Take your trips Take your cruises Find someone who will allow you to dog them out Keep the Coach bag Keep the Coffee Maker I’m taking me After all I should be used to being alone All the Holidays All the time You are too busy buildi...