NYC Birthday!

My partner took me to NYC for my birthday on February 12. When we first arrived, I was in awe, as our hotel was right in the middle of downtown NYC and although it was 12 was after all the city that never sleeps and the hustle and bustle was on. I saw people walking, talking, and waiting in line at Foot Locker. I snapped this picture as we arrived, its the Empire State Building.

The next morning, I woke up, and I was bouncing in the bed with excitement. I was ready to hit the city and find an adventure. And I did, my partner dropped me off (parking doesn't exist, LOL) at the nearest Star Bucks so I could make the coffee run, the closest one was in Times Square! I stepped into Times Square and my jaw dropped, the full color billboards, the taxi's honking, and hundreds of people swarmed around me. I felt like I was on a set of a movie and cameras were rolling, the energy was surrreal. I loved it. After taking some photos, like a true tourist! I walked into the Star Bucks, no sooner did my phone start ringing with birthday wishes! I greeted all my callers with a super bubbly, thank-you- and-guess-where-I'm at reply!!! It was such an awesome 35th birthday!!!  Then while I was in line, talking too loud of course! A stranger wished me Happy Birthday AND told the cashier it was my birthday, which lead to a discount on our coffee, scones, and my delicious red velvet birthday cupcake! It was a magical experience. Then she told me I looked like a movie star, that she couldn't name. I just blushed like an idiot...

The quality time that my partner and I shared while in NY was priceless. The next morning we got up and took the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. While we were on the ferry we cuddled into a corner and talked and laughed. The beauty of the entire trip was: not a single soul cared that we held hands, kissed in public or cuddled. Back home, that just isn't the case! I enjoyed being out and about in NYC!!! So we look out over the water, and there she is, the Statue of Liberty, and I thought about all the times I had seen her on tv or in a movie. Seeing her live was breathtaking and somewhat enchanting. Me and my partner just lived in the moment, bc it was a first for the both of us. What a wonderful birthday it was.

Thank you EJF, I love you for making my life and my birthday very special.


  1. Happy Belated. NYC is magical. It always amazings me the vibe/energy of that place.

    Your partner did that!

  2. Thank you! It's amazing how a place can hold that type of energy..I cannot wait to go back!


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