
So I landed a new job and started on June 1, my plan to finish my masters degree and find a new job in January all panned out. Working in the city is way different from working in my lil country town where I live. So far though it's been great. It's so rewarding to go back and read all my post about growth and moving forward then to see my dreams materialize within a few months. I am very thankful. I graduated in May, and had already been offered and accepted a new position. I celebrated my graduation Mother's Day weekend with my family and my partner right by side. How ironic was it for me to have received the same card from my BFF and my G/F? It was a trip, and of course my BFF who has NO SENSE at all, was thinking my G/F went into her purse and stole the card she bought for me and gave it to me, bc they were seated next to each other. LOL, she was half serious, but made for a very FUNNY joke at the table.

It was wonderful having all my family stand by my side as I accomplished something, then making the job announcement during the celebration was elating. Again I'm so thankful! Now on to the business of working this new job, many challenges. It's only been 1 month. So I'm working on figuring things out. Too early to form opinions or expectations, this is a time of observation. However, on a negative note..several people came to me in secret tones and suspicions and told me to "be aware", but I'm not going to let that scare me. My experience will not be the same as their's, I'm going to forge my own way and find out for myself. Every job has nayseers and false messengers. I mean I'm listening, but not really...Just because certain people had problems, it doesn't necessarily mean I will have the same experience. At any rate, I'm here and I'm going to bring my best. End of story. If it's one thing I know: I'm a survivor.

In family matters. I finally meet my two brothers of whom I never knew I had!! We meet on Saturday, June 25th. I'm still in complete and total awe, One brother is 31yrs and the other is close to 50 yrs. The kicker, I still have an 8 yr brother I have yet to meet. Here is the scoop, my mother and father divorced when I was 2 yrs, they never spoke again. One day in March I get a phone call from a random stranger, telling me I need to call they have some info for me. Me being who I am, immediately suspect someone is trying to run a scheme on me, don't return the call. A few days later I get email with ALOT of personal information about me. I decide to call back, the caller was the girlfriend of my younger brother (31 yrs)!! We all talk for hours. finally, after years of wondering about my father and his whereabouts I had found some answers. Unfortunately, though my father passed away just a few months prior. I'm happy then devastated. I was too late. Then I'm angry, I learned my father lived AN HOUR AWAY and he never looked for me. So now I'm conflicted. I just pray for peace and believe that this is what God wanted. I accept the painful truth, I will never meet or know my father, BUT I have 3 new brothers, new cousins and a potential sister-in-law who made it all possible by contacting me, and a host of niece and nephews to embrace. I just sigh and think it all over. How wonderful. How painful. How do you explain life? 


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