locked out

So I have a lock on  my bedroom door. My bae texts me that she is on her way, she works ALOT, so I get all excited about seeing her. I didn't work that day because of some bad flooding in the area. I jump up to get ready to take and shower and you know girlfriend proof the room, I had like my snacks and a cup sitting on the dresser. I walk out of the room, close the door and BAM, I locked myself out. Of course my extra keys are INSIDE the bedroom, because I locked myself out the other day, and never put the spare key back. SIGH. Of course my windows are all locked and its raining outside. Right around this time, my girl pulls up. I get in her car and explain my situation, she starts laughing. We go inside and try butter knives, and credit cards..no luck. We call several locksmiths, and due to the flooding..they can't get to us. We ended up camping out in my living room. It was so much fun. We made a pallet on the floor with my sofa pillows, which are big and comfy..We talked, giggled and cuddled..It continued to rain outside, but it felt wonderful to snuggle up with my girl.

Before we went to bed, I ended up booking an appointment with a locksmith for the next morning. He showed up around 10:30a, and it wasn't an easy lock to pop, even for him with the right tools! It was actually his assistant (she most likely was his wife) that actually unlocked the lock. So...after all that...five minutes and $65 later, ta-da, I was back in my room. It was so annoying having my cell phone, car keys, contacts..everything locked in my room! I was so glad to get in there. I showered and headed to work..however the slumber party with my girl was very nice. I'm also planning on making an additional spare key for my bedroom and give it to my girl..just in case. So next time, when she gets to my house, she can let me in my bedroom. LOL. 


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