The Other Sister

I grew up in the Huntersville section of Norfolk, VA, otherwise known as the hood. My mom worked all the time, so I was responsible for my 3 siblings. I helped with homework, told them to cleanup, and was generally the boss of them as the 2nd oldest of 5 children. I would love being the boss later in life, ha! My sisters and my brother loved and respected me and my living sisters still look up to me.

I just noticed I was so different from my siblings. I couldn't tolerate weed, while they were experimenting as teens. I would end up thinking I was dying and call my mom at work--so lame! They made a lot of friends in the neighborhood, I was scared to go outside bc at night we would hear rounds of gunfire. I decided I would rather stay in talk on the phone, watch Sanford and Son, and end up having 2 babies by the time I was 19, but I was not excited about "the dick" as my sisters would rant and rave about. I was busy crushing on Queen Latifah on "Living Single". And random cute chicks in the neighborhood.

It was 1996, when I went to Charlotte's web, the notorious lesbian bar in Norfolk, VA. I was 20 years old at the time and because the bouncer--a stud named Sylvia thought that I was cute let me in without ID. The bartender, cannot remember her name, tickled my palm with her finger before giving me free and underaged drinks. I realize now that was code for I want to screw you. Either way thanks for the beer.

 I mingled awkwardly around the bar the first night. I was watching all the women dance with each other. Some where older couples who came together and left together. There were younger chicks bouncing off walls trying to get into any set of panties they could, And then there was me, just watching from against the wall. Wondering what the hell was I suppose to do now. Ask someone to dance, hell no. Ask how someone's day was, hell no. So I just drank more free beer and went home, I would return the next Sat with more courage. LOL.

I would spend the next year hanging out at Charlottes Web--dancing with people I would never date. Playing pool with a set a twins I wanted to go home with--not that I knew what to do with them, I was a lesbian virgin. Until one night I meet Betsy..close enough to her real old woman name.

Betsy was cute. She walked up to me and asked me to dance. I was like YEAH! but played it cool, in real life my voice is soft so it was more like, "yeah..".shy smile.  We danced and I loosened up and we talked at the bar and danced some more. I went home feeling on top of my lesbian status. I was returning my brothers jeans back to his closet (lmao) and his shirt, when I found a business card with Charlotte Web's logo and Betsy's name and number in the back pocket of the jeans. I ran down stairs and stared at the card like a hot fudge Sunday on cheat day.

I called the number like the very next day, it was a pager. Familiar with that process, I put my moms landline number in and about an hour later Betsy called me back. We talked and she wanted to meet up sometime that week to hang out. I was all already planning the outfit I was going to steal from my brother to wear.

We meet at the Va beach ocean front. It was fun. We went to breakfast, I remember it being the first time I went out without my family or mom to pay. I was like who suppose to pay...hope it's not me, because I don't have not even a dollar. Chile... Luckily Betsy paid, as she did for the hotel room later...

So this went on for 3 weeks, I lost my lesbian virginity to Betsy. Then she dumped me. LOL. Looking back I was so young, please reference poem entitled "Complete". I bounced back with "Betsy game"--as I was a very good student. My sisters went on to date boys and then men, and then me the other sister, still loves women...


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