
Showing posts from December, 2012

Not Mine

Arm wrestling the wind tip toe on mood swings run on sentences baffled Tall tales between us the truth taste better than ashes Relestless beginnings calm endings things that aren't mine are stolen CS Knight Productions Copyright 2012 I wanted to add this I found it on Facebook, it's amazing how things agree sometimes..


I'm not really big on dates, well not most dates. I have to admit I am fascinated by today's. I understand it will be another century before it happens again. So I guess I will just relish that I saw it, this century, during my lifetime. Today has been an unusually hard day. I found out my son isn't doing well in school and I'm worried about him and what to do. It's such a heavy subject, my son's life and the worry of not knowing exactly what to do to help him. I know he needs help, but I'm not sure what is left for me to try. All I can is pray. Then there was my recent road trip. I drove 9 hours north to Providence, Rhode Island to visit my nana. She is 84 yrs. old and her health has been declining. My mom, her daughter and I took to the highway to check on her. I left Rhode Island brokenhearted. I remember just staring at my nana, as she wiped away tears as we were leaving. I wanted to reach out, hug her again but either way I had to go. I have been sh...