
Showing posts from May, 2012


Cutting and slicing of my innermost brazen arguments send me to the ER of my heart Hiding from you I say whatever it takes to win an agrument Not sure what my point was other than to defend myself from the brutality of your conversations Sometimes I feel like this is the 9th and 10th year of the failed relationship I had with my ex wife I promise the other night you laughed you sounded just like her She nearly did me in but I left her ass too people think because I love hard I won't leave easy Please You can't hurt that which was already WOUNDED


I know I have been going back and forth with my current relationship. We swing from working things out to barely speaking. Of course I think it's unhealthy. Of course I think I need to try to work it out. I just don't get it. Sometimes I feel like all of our problems from the past never let us go. I feel like we struggle because maybe we just aren't compatiable. I struggle. I cry. I let go. I hold on. I'm torn. Am I afraid to let go and start over? Maybe. Am I in love and want to work things out because I thought we had something? I don't know. One thing is for sure, I'm very confused and angry. The arguments are bad. Really bad. We both say such hurtful things. Maybe our relationship is a lost cause; beyond repair. Then sometimes I find hope in our convos, when we aren't each trying to be right. Trying to make a point. We are two very different people. In my mind I'm thinking we can work through our differences, we can find understanding between us. The...